Drinking Alcohol taught me how to fly
Then it took away the sky....

Monday, September 5, 2011

Microfiction: DOWN TOWN

 Grandma at Grandma's Goulash provides a picture and a word prompt for this Microfiction Meme and the rules are use the photo as inspiration for a story of 140 characters OR 140 words.
Want more challenge? Use the word of the week in your story. This part is optional.
This week's word is PRACTICE here's the picture and my offering using the picture and word of the week  in 140 characters, including spaces and punctuation.

 Old City Hall did not mind...nor I.
It was all I could find...(sigh)
My very own private place.
Pre-cyber "My Space"
to practice my violin.


  1. Oh well done on your first 'Succinctly Yours'! Glad to have you aboard. :)

  2. Nicely done! At least the violinist is aware of his own limitations and doesn't want to bother others, so we have to give him credit for being considerate.

  3. i bet those walls ring with your notes...nicely done steve...like the play in precyber my space....

  4. Excellent microfiction...and it rhymes, too. I like the phrase "Pre-cyber 'My Space'"...lol!

    It does look like the perfect old vacant building in which to practice a musical instrument.

  5. Oh yes, "pre-cyber My Space" is great!
    And I have a friend who practices her violin in the basement even though she lives alone.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  6. I love the "my space" reference...it used to be exclusively ours before....Very Good MF.

  7. Steve: Certainly you may link to my blog post called "Doorbell".

  8. Now that has poetic rhythm. Good job!

  9. Microfiction in rhyme, I am impressed. It would make an excellent music studio - provided that roof doesn't leak. lol

  10. What a wonderful poem, and so perfect for this week's picture. Good job!

  11. Such a clever tale you've spun rhythm, rhyme, and humor all in under 140 characters.

  12. The music must have stayed in the Hall, and continue to stay.

    A good one never go away.

  13. Steve, Steve, Steve. Come out of the city hall and practice so we can hear you. :)

  14. Great play off of pre-cyber "my space" wonderful line and I'm sure many tales can be found in those walls.

  15. Sounds like a perfect space to make beautiful sounds.

  16. You always write nice poems. Good job .I love these line.

    My very own private place.
    Pre-cyber "My Space"
    to practice my violin.

  17. How about some cofee after you have finished playing? Or... better can i have some while i listen?

  18. You know I have a thing for abandoned America...
