This morning I received this message—a new twist?
“Dear Sir and/or Madam
You are the only one I am writing...” etc.
Of course, I replied with my banking and Sociable Security numbers, neither of which will help them—because both are nearly depleted. But...well, charity begins in a London Barrister's office, right?
Seriously, I am such a gullible (I had written a more apt 'gulloible', rhymes with 'foible'--grin!) person. Why...I even believed, at age six, in God-with-a-beard, angels, Adam, Eve, and with no skepticism, a talking snake named Satan.
The serpent 'spoke' about an 'apple', a 'tree', 'knowledge', damnation, heaven, hell, and other things which I understood--NOT! All I really knew was that if I masturbated, I might as well stop living, because hell was my destiny, and it was warm there, even hot, very hot.
My teachers and 'God' were obviously unaware that I preferred hot, to cold, anytime...all the time! As blowing snow entered my bedroom (onto floor and bed) through rotting window sills, and drifted, I pondered these wild stories, and dreamed of hell...trying to 'feel' warm.
It was then when I began thinking that maybe all adults were not infallible—in matters of anything. Thus began a lifetime rebellion.
Later in life I realized that my many serious problems (issues—UGH!) were mine, not yours. What I did not know was that my only real problem was...WTF! ME! My Self-centeredness stood between me and everyone, everything else.
How about that—I had been a slave to myself! Sheeesh!
I turned my will and my life over to this Higher Power—God. Then, and many times since, because I am human, I've slipped into my old familiar insanity. In each instance He has pulled me kicking-and-denying, to safety.
In order to climb out of, away from this abyss, there were three requirements, told me by Peeps who I had asked for help:
1. Trust God
2. Clean House
3. Help Others
Almost too simple? Well, of course, for this formula to be effective, I had to stay sober—grin! (It became a habit!)
Gratefully yours!
Live and Love well...
Be joyful!
Steve E
in Deviant Art