Drinking Alcohol taught me how to fly
Then it took away the sky....

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Starry Nights - Mag 234

Please check: http://magpietales.blogspot.com

Starry Night by Alex Ruiz

Artist, in field 
stood, as if affixed.
About to devote, yield
himself to posterity. 

So alone, he mused...

Forever it seemed, I
lived in reality
only to at last "see"--
and this night--
faced the Universe...


Great circles of reality
lived always nowhere else...
but within my soul, my self. 

While I'd been looking out,
yes, apart, away from--
Now I am a part OF 
all which ever created.

This scene I MUST show
to my brother Theo,
(named for "God" Who lives.)

("But HOW?"
 "Paint, man! PAINT!")

In manner described as Starry Night--
He oil-spread circularity Eternity,
ALL being such colorful ONE.

Beauty Unbelievable
for you and me akin
for truth within.


Saturday, August 23, 2014


NOTE: The following are my thoughts and writing, pure 
and simple.  IN NO WAY do I speak or pretend to speak 

for the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous.  Steve E.


Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
July 2, 3, 4, 5, 2015

"Why do night-lights 

shining like stars?
Maybe...'cause they are!"

June 10, 1935, a man named Bill waited for the other--his host--to return from a long day away.  
It was hot.  

Hoped Dr Bob's return wouldn't become a drunken scene.  
It did not.  

Earlier that morning in Akron Ohio, Dr Bob had his last final drink of alcohol, then went around town taking care of business.  

As time--and years--passed, this began to be recognized as the birthday of Alcoholics Anonymous.  So, we now "see" two men who--not long before, were helpless, hopeless alcoholics-- found that by helping each other, they could stay sober.  One thing true then...and true today, the only way they could live productive and happy lives, was to help another--others--by giving away the gift they'd received

They sought alcoholics ("Alkies") who had an honest desire to stay sober.  More years, amazing growth, a God-Spirit-inspired book (Alcoholics Anonymous) brought me (and you readers) here--now.

God willing, in July 2015, approximately 80,000 people will descend on Atlanta, Georgia from all the world.  AA is found in 170 of the nearly 200 independent countries around the globe.  On the final day, between 100-150 of those countries will be honored and represented by recovering alcoholics, carrying the flag of their homeland.  All across the stage they will proudly stand --and I will be there to take a selfie, with THAT background!! HA!

It'll BE Alcoholics Anonymous 80th Anniversary celebration! 
PEACE and LIGHT...and LOVE, all my friends.
Steve E

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


 Don D and Steve E with 
first Motor Scooter 1949
Photo by Norma (Mother!)

God sends me friends,
unseparated Parts of Himself
to share, to care,
(and I was told)
to be aware.

Human nuggets, pure gold,
not for shelf-keeping,
dusting, burnishing
now, then, and when...
Precious souls!

Friends, God's bestowal,
carefully held in my heart
cherished, loved,
more, more, and more.

...as slowly older I grow

August 2014

Friday, August 8, 2014



Fly little bird,
Fly with the wind.
(Quoted) "if you don't,
you have sinned."

Wind is the law
And the law is just...
So...as winds blow
Must you also go?

Fly on silver wing,
and one fine day in
powder-blue sky, 
when other you meet, 
together you'll sing! 

Fly sweet birds, where
Winds have not chose--
Then as you oppose,
Have you surely sinned?

INTO the wind, YES! 
Fly if you must
Because you truly,
Completely trust...

At last overcome by
Wonderful wonders of love.
Cavort on the beaches,
But one time gaze above

At white dove.
Which will be...

rev. 8/9/2014

Sunday, August 3, 2014




In unison steps 
and rhythmical stride
Morning, noon, and night, 
small armies of six or eight, 
washed shirts starched--

I shudder, thinking
the awesome power--
spirituality emanating
seamlessly, seemingly
from several clusters
of little soldiers 
stepping in cadence
over heated pavements

Each few along the way
a parasoled officer leads,
perspiring in heat on concrete...
onward to grandmother's house,
where no enemy waits to meet.

Pushing, pulling 
wagons, baskets, buggies.
Groups of little ones
follow in filed rank, 
those taller. 
At head of all,
a "general" carries 
"wounded" young vet.

...and of that general?

why, it's none other than
she, who they all call "Mother!"

NOTE:  People who have moved here from other countries 
astonish me with their loyalty, devotion, togetherness
and friendliness. Whole extended families tread the
 sidewalks mornings and evenings and smile happily.